Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Why nukeing Iran is advantageous to the Bush?

I am going to be very brief because it's late so, here it is:

The Bush will find it most convenient to nuke Iran because, once he drops the nukes, he can make any claim he wants on what it is that it was nuked. Let's face it: no one is going to go to 'ground zero' and check it. So, unlike Irak, where the Bush dropped shocking and awesome bombs on all those places and, it turned out later that the only 'weapons of massive destruction' that were used were those used by the Bush, in Iran he will be able to say that he destroyed all kinds of nukular facilities and saved the world in the process.

IF he's got the guts to nuke Iran.

Come again tomorrow because, if I have time, I will demonstrate why nukeing Iran could be VERY good for America's middle class. Or not. We'll analyze.


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