Sunday, June 04, 2006

Unity 08

I found these new site Unity 08. Apparently, the guys 'in the middle' are suggesting the replacement of the current 2-party system with a true one-party version of the party system. I left the following at their message board:

So, let's give it a little thought. We got this so-called two-party system now that's giving us no choice whatsoever on all issues we care about. And some smart people came up with this grand idea of getting us an official one-party system. Why shouldn’t I be unimpressed? Note: the real solution is, of course, the zero-party alternatives. Clever. No?

The two-party acts as the one-party already on everything that matters: multi-culture, income taxation, illegal and increased immigration, disadvantageous foreign trade, encouraging American jobs outsourcing, technology and high-tech jobs export, increased globalization, Iraq occupation, Israel subservience, constantly growing the government, constantly reducing individual liberty and initiative, constantly pushing toward more collectivism, always for interventionism abroad and never for protecting the jobs of Americans, always for more intrusive intervention into people's personal lives, more do-goodism and less individualism. We call the above 'bi-partisan' issues and they continue on the path set probably ever since Lincoln, regardless of which party is in power at any given time. I call the party on power the DemoGOPs and they should go or this nation goes.

Then we have the so-called 'wedge issues'. Like the GOPs screaming against 'gay marriage' and the Demos decrying 'tax breaks for the rich'. Not that any so-called party does anything about these but they help keep the voters focused on peripheral distractions while the 2 so-called partisan parties are in complete agreement on 99% of everything.

So... these guys find... too much division and partisanship? I guess I couldn't stop laughing for a long time if they expressed this in a more humorous way - they are planning to replace the 2-party which is really a one-party with a one-party? I am soooo overwhelmed and energized :))))

Will this post survive the bi-partisan censorship? I hope it does but the odds seem to be against it.


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