Monday, May 01, 2006

Boycott's Impact - No Lids For My Coffee Cup

Let's share our boycott experiences so that we could all assess the tremendous impact our illegal aliens have on our lives.

Morning commute was as usual. Lots of slowdowns. I wish more people stayed home.

Arrived at the office. The Chica who normally locks herself inside men’s' room under the pretext of cleaning it and puts a 'closed' sign on the door stayed home, apparently, so I didn't have to climb down the stairs to pee. This probably added to my productivity.

The cafeteria looked as usual.

I had a meeting in the afternoon. The pantry was well supplied with Styrofoam cups but... HORRORS!!!! THERE WERE NO LIDS!!!! Suddenly I felt that all illegal aliens should be legalized immediately so that lids were available and plentiful again.

On the way back home, I saw 4 or 5 muchachos by the roadside, looking stoopid - normal, that is. I showed them my middle finger but I'm not sure they noticed it. I moved on. Stopped at Wal-Mart to buy a tree and pool chemicals. I ended up spending over $140, presumably to the great delight of our Chinese trading partners or... I'm not sure. Most of the stuff I bought wasn't really made in China. At the cash register, 2 Chicanos actually buying stuff - paying cash, of course. The cashier girl, an overweight Chica, nice girl - she smiled at me.

I stopped for gas. The price was 1 penny per gallon less than last Friday. I must be because of the reduced demand from the aliens.

I am home now and there are no illegal aliens within a mile all around. It feels good and, interestingly, I never missed a lid over my coffe cup when drinking coffee at home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two Party System Is The Problem. The RNC and DNC have become primarily focused on getting their candidates reelected and undermining all confidence in any ideas presented by the opposition party. It has become all about the party and this system has served to divide our country almost in half. As a most wise person once stated, "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." In my opinion the best solution available is a totally new direction; one that involves candidates who are accountable to their constituents and not to some "party". Perhaps the Unity 08 movement is the beginning of the end of politics as usual.

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Unity08 appears to be an attempt to fix the 2-party system not to ensure that people are properly represented.

12:29 PM  

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