Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Dialogue With The Deaf?

A: What we need is a true one-party system so that our Leader doesn't waste vital energies on petty disputes and can focus entirely on serving the interests of Israel and the New Worldly Order.

B: Please tell me you are being sarcastic.

A: I believe that I am realistic, not sarcastic.

What I wrote was the best possible translation of what today's uninspired and false 'conservatives' are agitating for. The Goldberg boy has an interesting barf piece on the desired DemoGOP merger or libby- conservative union, I believe he calls it, at the Nat'l Review Online. He is basically doing the diary of a cheap scribe whore who keeps dreaming and hoping against all hope that she would be shown 'some' respect in the morning.

It's nothing new but it appears that the vermin are getting restless and emboldened and that they feel like it's time to tear off at least half of the mask.

B: I doubt the Republicans and Democrats will ever merge into one political party. You need to remember that the heads of the DNC are probably clinically insane and hate the RNC and Bush to the point that it is pathological hatred.

A: It is good for the DemoGOPs to stay separated because it perpetuates the illusion of 'choice' that the voters-consumers must be given so that they are properly controlled. However, the entire world is back in an advanced clinical phase right now so irrational events - such as an American one-party political system becomes not only possible but likely.

What do you think 'bi-partisanship' translates into? Hmmmm?

B: Oh there is not a choice, only the insane would vote for lunatics.

A: You mean, like the guy who had hundred-thousand people killed and trillion- dollars spent to satisfy his illusions of mushroom clouds, half a world away?

Let's face it. We're no longer in the dreamy age of Aquarius. This is the comeback of Mordor. A new king took charge and the king is mad.

B: Clinton would fit that description after he invaded Serbia and aiding the North Korea in building nukes?

A: There is an amazing continuity, regardless of who is in power. Bush picked up the baton from Clinton and Clinton may take over again in 2008. Regardless of what Bush may believe, he is not 'a leader'. He may call himself so for as long as he stays on the path to deeper madness but, God forbid he would ever try to do something that's unapproved.


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