Thursday, July 27, 2006

- Yo Olmert, good move man. Mmmmm, my big, your country not so big.
- Eeeeeeee eeeeee.
- couple strikes and POP goes Beirut
- eeeeee eeeeee tehrohr... eeeee TEHROHR!!!!
- how'd ya like Codi?
- eeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Blair's country not so big. They say it was bigger.
- TEHROHR!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeee. $5 billion
- Laura is out to the damn man strip joint again. Can you do me a favor and blow the damn thing up with Laura inside it? i'll get ya plausible undeniability AND a couple billion or two
- yeah... heh, heh. BULL!!! duh dozers! Good move on the UN thingy. The French must be real pissed.
- EEEEEEE $5 billion? tehrohr! best ally!!!! tehrorhr!
- okee donkeee. big country the chinese huh? we let them steal our nukes, they sell us mango - yummy! i can roast pig all by myself
- eeeeeeeee the account number eeeeeee
- and go easy on the indians okay? french and candian okay. i love canadian bacon and laura loves kevin. yeah, i gotcha: TEHROHR!!! TEHRORHR!!!! cha-ching... heh heh heh
- eeeeeeeeee eeeee
- yo, little country but you fat and sweaty. me, biiiiiiig country, not so fat. eeeeeeeee


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