Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So much to do, so little time. This is what I sent to Sen. Santorum after receiving his stupid response to my initial letter. It's fun.

Dear Mr. Senator,

I appreciate your staff's effort of putting together half a dozen paragraphs on your views regarding the Lebanon invasion by Israel in response to my passionate letter. It’s good that our government turned out to be so generous as NOT to require that American citizens pay through the nose for THEIR own government rescuing them from Israel dropping on them American-made bombs from American-made planes flying on American-supplied jet fuel. I am sure that the world is in a state of awe and complete disbelief as it learns how our government was always for charging our citizens before it was against charging them… before… it’s getting too hard to keep track of all of this flip-flopping but, perhaps, someone in the Bush campaign could help sort this out.

In my previous letter to you I suggested something very simple: help stop us borrowing billions from communist China so that we can give them to Israel in the shape of bombs, jet fuel and fighter-bomber planes so that Israel could kill Lebanon's children and other innocent people. As a super-pro-lifer, the killing of children should be unbearably repugnant to you and you MUST be losing sleep at the thought of Israel being funded by OUR money (well... it's China's money but we are disbursing it) using weapons that WE shipped them in a hurry so that Israel can more efficiently kill the children of this once beautiful country.

Thanks to your uncritical support of Israel, just about everyone in the Middle East and their mother are now intensely anti-American and many of them are now willing and some may be even training to perform violent acts aimed at hurting us and our property. Please demand that ALL aid to the Middle East stops immediately. This should include the aid to the police state of Egypt where voters are being murdered by the state police as they are trying to cast their votes and including the aid to some monarch in Jordan who is bribed with hundreds of millions of dollars every year (that, remember we BORROW from the commie Chinese) to make nice to us and to Israel. It should also include aid to the Arab ghetto inside Israel known as ‘the Palestine Authority’ – you can call it a Bantustan if calling it ‘ghetto’ is too disturbing.

Mr. Senator,

We can not stop the massacres by sending more and better weapons to the killers and more Band-Aids to the killed. This is ridiculous and it doesn’t fool anyone, it only makes angry people angrier. I understand that the AIPAC is probably calling you every day to congratulate you for supporting Israel one more time but, let’s face it, we are not Israel and, it appears, you are not going to be re-elected anyway. I suppose the President is going to appoint you to some nice job in his cabinet or maybe make you Ambassador to some islands after you lose your election but, would THAT be worth compromising your pro-life views.

Remember: the children of Lebanon are killed by American-made bombs, dropped from American-made planes; flying on American-supplied jet fuel as part of an invasion financed by billions of dollars of American aid to Israel (did I mention this already?)

Help stop this and you will sleep better. You may not make it into Bush’s cabinet but… let’s face it again – the GOP is going to lose in 2006 and they are going to lose again in 2008. And the AIPAC couldn’t care less. Your Demo replacement in the Senate is likely to be as subservient to Israel’s national interests as you and your GOP colleagues are so they don’t really care whether you win or lose or whether your party wins or loses.

Mr. Senator, do act on your pro-life beliefs and help stop our country help another country end life by ways of killing.


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