Saturday, June 02, 2007

If someone like poor me was able to see the Bush for what he really was in 2000, I am sure that many could see through his phoniness. I was so outraged the GOPs were pushing this freak to make him the country's prez, I quit the GOP before the election.

Anyone remember the 'passionate conservatism' propaganda? His stated ambition of shaping the children's minds in ways that the Feds saw fit? The 'armies of compassion' B.S.? His quick distancing from those who help put him in office and his warm embrace of Clinton and Clintonism as soon as he moved into the White House?

The main factor for the freakosaurus being elected twice was the ability of his propagandists to scare the voters shitless with the prospect of an even greater evil (Gore, Kerry) making it into the White House - voters, make your choice: whom are you going to reject? Satan or Antichrist? Thank the '2 party system' and each of the '2 parties' for getting us where we are. Or don't thank them. It's the people who tolerate this or just don't care. We get what we collectively deserve and, it seems, we're going to get more of it for a long time to come.


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