Monday, August 21, 2006

Not exactly a dialogue:

B: I am a former Republican Congressional Committee Chair.....right now I have 40-60 precinct chairmen, Republicans all and they are going to work to defeat all but a couple of Republicans from now until 2008....and are not supporting the pubic Cand in 2008 and want to Impeach Bush!!

AVRWC: Do you and your patriotic friends still believe in the 'party system'?

B: Not the ONE PARTY CABAL we have NOW!!

AVRWC: I was thinking about the party institution itself. It seems to me that it hijacks the process and forces 'party discipline' and 'partisanships' on what were supposed to be the representatives of 'the people'.
Something to think about.

B: It doesn't unless you are a mindless cheerleader ....
I was always a maverick and was offered elected positions on two occasions
That was when the Republicans had not been taken over by AIPAC and the NeoCons...
Anyone can be duped and when both parties are doing it....time for a BIG CHANGE....
Nothing short of an election revolution and election of all third party candidates will right the situation short of.../..

AVRWC: Can you, please, translate that?
OFFERED elected positions?
So you were going to be representing a corrupting force - your party - after going through the formality of an election.

B: When you receive a nomination in a district that is 90% democrat or republican, the nomination is de facto election. Don't play dumb.

AVRWC: You seem to accept that idea that some corrupt party freaks have the ability to 'give' elected jobs to their protégés, and then ask them to do as they are told or they are fired. Of course, the 'parties' themselves are for sale and are whoring their elected 'assets' to the willing buyers.
You are or were part of such a sinister, criminal organization whose main goal is to suppress the voice of the people and replace it with the influence of the party. We already have the RICO laws. All we need is ONE first case where one of the 2 parties is treated as an organized crime organization and, hopefully, this nearly 200 year- old nightmare might end.

B: Yada yada yada yada blow it out your ear ....I don't have time for Whacked wackos who don't know their ass from a jole in the ground....


Blogger Jim said...

B: Yada yada yada yada blow it out your ear ....I don't have time for Whacked wackos who don't know their ass from a jole in the ground....

It looks like this guy is still in major denial. Maybe he is pissed because he was cut out of the process for not towing the party line. ROTFLOL!

7:34 AM  

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