Saturday, January 18, 2020

Humans as a species are on the fast path back into consensual and crowd-enforced stupidity. I am sure there's a consensus on that.
Example? Walmart would not sell me cough medicine today because I could not produce 'papers' to prove that I was over 18. Let's say that I am well over 50. When I asked the person taking the Robitussin off my shopping bag if she doubted that I was over 18, about half a dozen stupid do-gooders (all women but that's not important) started yelling AT ME because "you must not try to fight the machines". I told them that, in my view, of course, the Walmart person was NOT A MACHINE and very likely a human who could easily tell a 50+ yr old from an 18 yr old and that whatever 'rules' were being applied there were beyond stupid.
I was advised to have some proof of age ID on me at all time and told that it was irresponsible not to do so.