Monday, October 30, 2006

Do YOU Want To Win the War in Iraq?

Apparently, Cheney's wife asked the Blitz (a CNN talking head) whether he wanted the US to 'win the war' in Iraq.

Firstly, there is no war in Iraq that's 'our war'. There is maybe a civil war caused by the Bush-ordered invasion and his experiments with make-believe dee-mock-rah-see but there is no US-Iraq war. Can 'we' win other country's civil war? I don't think so. Neither the local Sunnis nor the Shias are our enemies but we are theirs only because Bush sent our troops there to destroy their country and they are trying to expel us.

Now, that yous answered the question, and if you answered 'yes', please define 'victory' and explain why would 'victory' be desirable. What would be the fruits of our 'victory'? What is it that would make it worth the lives of 5000 or 10000 Americans and one trillion dollars or more?

My answer to the 'do you want 'us' to win?' stupid question is a loud and clear NO!!!

Going to Iraq was a stupid and criminal thing to begin with. Staying 'the course' in Iraq only makes it worse every day while more Americans are killed and more resources are wasted.

Can we possibly 'lose' in Iraq, if 'we' don't win? Not at all. We simply go home and maybe mind our business for a change. Bush and his Neocon handlers would definitely lose and maybe Israel if we bring our boys back home but America is not Bush and America is definitely not the Neofreaks or their beloved Israel.

By the way, if we go home no one would think that Iraq 'won'. What kind of victory would that be after we turned their country to rubble, killed their people by the hundreds of thousands and turned them against each other to a degree that a unified Iraq may not be possible ever again. These are the fruits of our 'victories' so far. 'Staying the course' brought nothing but death, ruin, misery and desperation to the people of Iraq.

Again: I DO NOT WISH US TO WIN IN IRAQ! I want our boys back home... 4 years ago and I want justice brought to Bush and those who control him.

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

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Regardless on who 'wins' in November, I expect that the following will be enacted by our beloved government:
- immigration reform that will 'legalize' all the illegals and open the 'legal doors' even wider for even more third worlders to replace the current gene pool.
- continuing involvement in the ME and intervention on behalf of Israel.
- continuing globalization, further nafta-cafta-shafta integration.
- more manufacturing capacity moving overseas
- more incentives for outsourcing of US high-paying jobs while blaming 'the Americans' for not being sufficiently educated.
- further progress on the glorification of homosexuality and the 'same-sex' marriage front.
- increased government control over an individual's personal freedom via the requirements of taxation.
- increasingly absurd 'safety regulations' and new and more restrictive rules governing the use of public spaces and facilities.
- continuing, largely successful, efforts to maintain the 2-party system and suppress and even repress any attempt to challenging it.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

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Top-11 Bush Excuses for Killing 655,000 Iraqis

11 - This is telling me that almost 30 million fellow Iraqis are still waiting to be brought to justice
10 – Hitler killed more Jews
9 – I lack the intelligence
8 – With fewer Iraqis around, there can be better healthcare for the survivors
7 – While many Iraqi were killed, let’s not forget that many more Iraqis were born
6 - It’s Clinton’s fault
5 – It didn’t happen; show me 655,000 corpses
4 – Some of those killed were terrorists and they would have killed even more Iraqis if allowed to live
3 – S__t happens
2 – Rummy got the metric: divide $400,000,000,000 by 655,000 and you get over $600,000 compassionately spent per killed Iraqi. These are not ‘third class’ killings
1 – Bibi Netahyahu says that if Israel was Iraq and Albania was America and China was Chile then this would only look like killing 5 Martians and Billy Krystol so it’s no big deal

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

WG: Perhaps the American public should look into an alternate party, like the Libertarian party?

AVRWC: Perhaps the American public should vote for people who would REPRESENT THEM rather then align themselves with some organization whose goal is to monopolize power?

The Libertarian party or the Constitution party would quickly turn into corrupt power-grabbing organizations as soon as they get close enough to 'power' for them to be able to smell it. What we need are laws that criminalize organized politics and influence peddling and a citizenry that demands that the laws are actually enforced.

AVRWC's 'Top 10' W Excuses For Allowing N Korea to Develop and Deploy WMD's and Doing Nothing Abt It

1 - It's Clinton's fault
2 - It didn't happen
3 - It's small
4 - We are going to punish them severely by not increasing the amount of aid by as much as we would've
5 - They're not a danger to Israel
6 - We lack the intelligence
7 - The French, the Russians, the Germs, the Brits and the Japs all agreed that N. Korea was NOT developing WMD's
8 - Duck and cover are always reasonable options
9 - N Korea may be evil but Iran is eviler
10 - Nanci Pelosi would not have handled this any better

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