I'd say because we expect to see maximum representation with minimum government interference in our personal matters and at the lowest possible cost. A politician would try to earn our votes by acting on our behalf to achieve these three objectives. Of the three, the latter, which translates in 'taxes' is the one that's the easiest to quantify.
Then... what's wrong with THIS picture of what's going on in Pennsylvania's legislature these days?
It may be wishful thinking to expect meaningful property tax reform this year because the Republicans who control the House and Senate don’t want Democrat Ed Rendell to campaign for re-election having delivered on his No. 1 promise -- cut property taxes. Instead of working hard to reduce our taxes they are blocking the tax-reduction effort.
Are these people sick? No, they are PARTISAN Republicans.
They are no longer our representatives. They are Republicans or Democrats and they are playing with our lives and with our children's future so that they can obtain some future political advantage.