Friday, May 18, 2007

Yes, but, in this era of bipartisanship, who's going to replace them when they go?

We voted many GOPs out a few months ago and... look what we got: a bunch of
Demos. Now, I hear people calling C-Span and promising to vote their
newly-elected Demos 'out'. Wow!!! And bring the freakish GOPs back.

I can't see a nice and pleasant way out of this. The bipartisans are in control
of the schools, the media, the 'law and order' and the SWAT teams, the cash and
service-dispensing agencies, the power grids, the roads and the banks.

There is no escape unless the current order collapses and collapses good.
Revolutions don't start while the masses are spending half of their 'free' time
watching television or playing virtual reality games on their computers. People
will not risk their 'standard of living' to help bringing 'representative
government' in control.

We live in a fragile society where everything is connected to everything else.
You lose a couple of satellites and the military can't function very well. You
lose a few more and people can't find their way on the roads. A couple of
tunnels blow up and the entire city of New York turns into a nightmarish
disaster area. Lose a few power plants and half of the country can't watch TV or
play Second Life or chat online any more and millions are likely to freeze if
it's happening in the winter. A few missiles fly across the straits of Hormuz
and gasoline becomes unaffordable overnight. You rock the boat and the boat
sinks with you in it. You sneeze and you suffer the consequences.

It is STUPID to lament the loss of 'liberty' when, clearly, the vast majority
can NOT survive (forget about prosper) absent a million little things that the
current state provides in exchange for obedience and cooperation. Those who are
functionally dependent of the bandit State can't free themselves of it because
the only way to achieve that is to take down the State and, if they do that,
they will go down with it. You take down the state and you are more likely than
not to die of disease, cold, hunger or at the hands of some gang of brutal,
desperate savages.

WELCOME TO THE HIVE! And don't forget to feed the Queen.

If the current relative prosperity is ended by a sudden collapse, what follows
is not a revolution but something more like that 1000 years that followed the
collapse of the old Roman order, we now call 'the Dark Ages'.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The DemoGOPs stand forever united where it counts: statism, globalism, Israelism, free tradeism, the ultimate demise of this country via the admission of Third World immigrants. They both agree that this is no longer a republic or a nation but what Chimp calls 'this part of the world'. They now see 'consumers', not citizens, who need 'workers', not immigrants to survive.

Their concern is not defending freedom but promoting and growing 'the market'. They all agree of these important issue but they sharply disagree on the optimal blend of fuels, whether women employees should wear pants on casual Fridays and wearing condoms should or should not be mandatory attire and whether Israel would be better off if we first bombed Iran instead of occupying Iraq.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Great 'Emergency Appropriation' Game of 2007

The only 'emergency' the congress needs to appropriate money for should be to bring everyone back home from Iraq. And let's do it First Class. At $2000 per First Class ticket, all you need is $300 million. Let's triple that so that some of the equipment comes home with that and we are still UNDER ONE BILLION.

It takes one billion to bring the troops back home (first class) permanently. But Bush wants ONE HUNDRED BILLION to keep them there and to have many die, for a few more months.


Can anyone name the most outrageous "local government" abuse this nation has ever seen?

People are screaming about 'zoning' and 'eminent domain' but these are only marginal outrages. The big thing is the reality that, as an American 'resident' (citizen would be too big a word) you have NO PROPERTY RIGHTS WHATSOEVER. You are merely tolerated with your little built box, on a plot of land and neither is yours. As soon as you can't afford paying your town and county whatever they ask you to pay, they kick you out and off your 'property' the way a drunk Korean would kick his sick dog (no longer good to eat).

There can't be freedom if there can't be ownership of land and THAT, my friends, is only an illusion.

Lately, I am getting friendly mail from my local town council, reminding me that it's time for me to pump my septic tank empty and to send them some evidence that I had the work done by a town-approved scatologist.