Monday, June 11, 2007

Bush continues to repeat that 'Saddam' did not allow the inspectors in Iraq and that he 'did not disclose'.

Anyone whose memory goes back a few years recalls that Saddam actually allowed full access to UN inspectors. I even recall the inspectors frustrations for not finding anything interesting and Baradei BEGGING the Bushies to just tell them where to go and look for those weapons of massive distraction. The inspectors were allowed access everywhere in Iraq, including Saddam's palaces and their basements.

As for the 'did not disclose' part, the Iraqi government provided thousands of pages and dozens of CD-ROMS of evidence of the WMD non-existence. As soon as the documentation arrived, the US took custody of it and only provided a small subset to the other members of the Security Council. Then, the Bushfreak went on the teevee and claimed that Saddam did not 'disclose'.

Any way you look at it, from that time's perspective or from today's, the invasion of Iraq was an act of NAKED AGGRESSION. And the nakedness of it makes it obscene and it makes Bush a perpetrator and peddler of obscenities on a global scale.

Any politician who repeats the Bush line is a liar and a monster or a gullible idiot. Any media type who does not challenge the Bushfreak or the politicians who come up with the Bush line is a willing collaborator and moral monster or an unbelievably incompetent journalist.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Apparently, Ray Bradbury didn't write Fahrenheit 451 as a possible illustration of life under totalitarianism but to show what watching too much TV can do to humans. Or so one Amy Johnston claims in an article.

I don't know if a medium can be blamed for some of us choosing to be comfortable and dumb. The TV is one of many available and relatively cheap distractions such as alcohol, post stamps collecting, the telephone, various drugs - medically prescribed or not, ipods, tobaccer, rapping, pornography, sugary drinks or role-playing games.

I happen to know that there is a vast and diverse supply of alcohol out there but I do not spend must of my day boozing. Some people do that though. Some people choose to get themselves drunk while watching the teevee and maybe munching on Twinkies. Voluntary addictions or intoxications should not be blamed on the intoxicating agent. Blaming the corrupting substances or circumstances would only support the theory that we're all just a bunch of big, in-need-of-control children who will always need daddy and mommy State (the Authorities) to make sure we don't hurt ourselves and to ensure that our own kids don't get corrupted by our own bad examples of irresponsible and irreversible addictions and self-abuse.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

If someone like poor me was able to see the Bush for what he really was in 2000, I am sure that many could see through his phoniness. I was so outraged the GOPs were pushing this freak to make him the country's prez, I quit the GOP before the election.

Anyone remember the 'passionate conservatism' propaganda? His stated ambition of shaping the children's minds in ways that the Feds saw fit? The 'armies of compassion' B.S.? His quick distancing from those who help put him in office and his warm embrace of Clinton and Clintonism as soon as he moved into the White House?

The main factor for the freakosaurus being elected twice was the ability of his propagandists to scare the voters shitless with the prospect of an even greater evil (Gore, Kerry) making it into the White House - voters, make your choice: whom are you going to reject? Satan or Antichrist? Thank the '2 party system' and each of the '2 parties' for getting us where we are. Or don't thank them. It's the people who tolerate this or just don't care. We get what we collectively deserve and, it seems, we're going to get more of it for a long time to come.